Additional Options

Some scripts might accept additional options which can be set with the args field.

base-path = "scripts/"
pre = [
        run = "templating.rb",
        with = "ruby",
        args = [
            "--trim-mode=%"  # enables Ruby code processing for lines beginning with `%`

All arguments must be of type string even if the script expects a different type. In reality the string is converted by the script just like it would be provided in the command-line. Note that arguments are not pre-processed like shells do meaning you cannot use glob patterns or environment variables.

base-path = "scripts/"
pre = [
        run = "templating.rb",
        with = "ruby",
        args = [
            "--trim-mode=$ERB_TRIM_MODE"  # `$ERB_TRIM_MODE` will be passed to the program as is

A way to achive that is by modifying the source code or wrapping the program with another program which is discussed in the next chapter.